Maria says.. This is my personal testimo

Maria says..
This is my personal testimonial!
After having my daughter I struggled with losing weight for the first time in my life. I had always been thin, had good metabolism and could eat whatever I wanted. I tried for over 5 years to lose weight by trying Weight Watchers, different types of diets, and exercising sporadically. I became depressed and discouraged about how I looked. The weight I needed to lose was my “muffin top”… my stomach, butt, and hips. I was in a size 14 and at times a size 16!
Last summer I found a weight loss support group on Facebook and I kept reading testimonials and seeing before and after photos of people who are using the product. Initially I was hesitant about using this all natural supplement however I kept reading about people’s struggles with health and weight loss. These are people with real problems. I decided to give it a chance so I ordered Skinny Fiber and started taking it in August 2013. I started losing inches and weight. In the first month I lost 7 pounds and 30 inches throughout my body. In Sept I lost 4 pounds and 30 more inches.
Skinny Fiber has helped me on so many ways. I had less cravings for sweets, no more night sweats and I was losing weight. Immediately people started noticing that I was losing weight and they were asking me how I did it. I felt great!! Taking Skinny Fiber has been amazing and it has changed my life. I truly believe in this product and made the decision to become a distributor after experiencing all the benefits! I lost 27 pounds with Skinny Fiber. I lost 5 pounds last summer prior to taking Skinny Fiber. My goal was to get to my pre-pregnancy weight of 134. I got to 132 and then lost 4 more pounds after stopping Skinny Fiber. I have lost more weight than my initial goal and I now weigh less than I did when I met
my husband ten years ago!!! My current weight is 124 pounds!!
Skinny Fiber has been amazing and it can change your life too!!

Great job!!!! Elisha just finished her 9

Great job!!!!
Elisha just finished her 90 Day Challenge with Skinny Fiber!

She shares…
I finished my second 90 day challenge this week! I am down 25lbs !! I am not sure of my inch loss because I didn’t measure. So glad I have pictures to compare because I was feeling like there wasn’t much of a difference this time. After looking at these pics I am feeling FANTASTIC !! I love my skinny fiber ! No more IBS, sleeping better than ever . Still need to lose to meet my goal but feeling like I am almost there!! Thank you skinny fiber !!

The ingredients in Skinny Fiber:
block 20-30% of all calories eaten from being absorbed by the body
help your body absorb vitamins and minerals
suppresses appetite and help you eat less while still feeling satisfied – it expands 50 TIMES its size in your belly when you drink your water!
block the absorption of fat from the foods you eat
burn fat and boost metabolism naturally – NO JITTERY FEELING…EVER!
flush fat from the colon wall
remove parasites from the intestines (this is often times a cause of weight gain that people never think about!

Order your Skinny Fiber here–

3 Tricks to Curb Mindless Eating “Beati

3 Tricks to Curb Mindless Eating

“Beating yourself up for chowing down on a giant bagel in the breakroom? Don’t. It’s not all on you. “You take cues from your surroundings, and they often don’t work in your favor,” says Walter Willet, M.D., chair of the department of nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health and co-author of Thinfluence. How to fight back:

Is your kitchen table a mess? Noshing at an untidy spot or, worse, while standing promotes overeating, Dr. Willet says. Designate a new area for odds and ends so you can enjoy your meal sans distractions.

Before you hit your boss’s birthday party, rehearse a few lines in your head to avoid overdoing it on the cupcakes. It can be something as simple as “These are so tempting, but I had a big lunch.”

Seeing a photo of you’re friend’s treats can lead you right to the fridge. So stay off social media when you haven’t eaten, or scroll your feed with a healthy snack in hand, Dr. Willet advises. ”

Source: Health Magazine July/August 2014

Roasted Asparagus with Mushrooms Ingredi

Roasted Asparagus with Mushrooms


1 1/4 lbs medium asparagus, tough stem ends trimmed…
1/2 lb medium white button mushrooms, stemmed nd quartered
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
salt, perferably the coarse variety,and freshly ground pepper,to taste
2 -3 teaspoons balsamic vinegar or 2 -3 teaspoons sherry wine vinegar


Preheat oven to 425*.

In a non-stick baking baking sheet with sides, toss the asparagus and mushrooms with the oil and season with salt and pepper.

Spread the vegetables in a single layer.

Roast for 10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and browned, turning once or twice.

Place vegetables on a serving platter.

Sprinkle vegetables with vinegar and toss gently to combine.

Season with additional salt and pepper as desired.

Serve warm or at room temperature.

Makes 4 servings.


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Order your Skinny Fiber- www.candsmom.SB

Order your Skinny Fiber-

This story is amazing! Please SHARE! You don’t know who you might be helping!

Hi everyone. I’m Nikki and this is my story. …

‘Until I was about 20 years of age I was always a size 8. This all changed when I sustained an injury while working and was no longer able to work. I spiralled into depression. Not being able to do what I loved was really upsetting me, my comfort was food. The bigger I got, the more depressed I was. I hated the mirror and would do anything in my power to not have to leave the house. I was in constant pain from severe endometriosis, and my team of doctors just continued to up the intensity of painkillers I was on. About a year ago I finally decide to stop taking anything for the pain I was on 25mg -35mg of oxycontin constant release tablets. I decided I wanted to change my life. Worked my way off of my depression tablets and came off my painkillers. I’m still in pain but I refuse to let it get me down! I was so much happier. I was still ashamed of my body, and no matter what diet I tried, I couldn’t lose any weight.
A couple of months ago my sister started taking Skinny Fiber and was raving about it. I watched her drop her baby weight in 8 weeks. I couldn’t believe it, something that seems to actually work. So I finally ordered. Now my only regret is not starting my Skinny Fiber sooner!!!
Until today when I put my photos next to one another I honestly didn’t think I had lost anything. Then I weighed and measured myself. In 5 weeks I have lost 2kg and a total of 10 ½ inches!!!
I am drinking at least 2 litres of water each day. I’m eating smaller portions thanks to Skinny Fiber, and I’m not even on a strict diet! I have not been exercising, as I have severe bronchitis and until further notice I’m not allowed to Yet I’ve still seen results. No more IBS flare ups, not one migraine, and I’m not in as much pain with my endometriosis. I feel fantastic!
I can’t wait to see myself in a size 10 again.
I wish I had found Skinny Fiber years ago!’

You will love it- you can order here!

Oh this is so true, we all have a Journe

Oh this is so true, we all have a Journey we have walked and have no right to judge each other when we have NO idea what Journey that person has been through. Yep you may have heard things BUT you have NOT lived that life they are going through. So the next time you want to judge someone step into their shoes for awhile. I bet you will be surprised at what they are “REALLY” going through

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Crock Pot Chicken and Next Day Chicken N

Crock Pot Chicken and Next Day Chicken Noodle Soup!!

Looking for a recipe that you can spread over two days?!? You have come to the right place Crock Pot Chicken w/ mashed potatoes (or your choice of side) one day, and Chicken Noodle soup the next!!…

(For Chicken)
1 Whole Chicken
Seasoned Salt
Garlic Power
Italian Seasoning
1 Box Chicken Stock (for after the chicken is cooked and taken out)

**If chicken is frozen make sure to THAW it out first!!**
Unwrap the chicken and discard the insides.
Rinse off the chicken
Spray your crock pot with non-stick cooking spray or rub it down with butter.
Place the whole thawed chicken into the crock pot and add seasoning to the top! (as little or as much as desired, although it doesn’t take much.)
No water or stock needed the chicken will create its own juices!!
Set you crock pot on LOW, cover and let it cook for about 6-7 hours
THAT’S IT!!! … But make sure to keep the juices and bones from the chicken for your soup!! Add a box of Chicken Stock to the left over juice from the chicken and let the bones simmer over night!

**Next day Chicken Noodle Soup!**

1-2 boxes of Chicken Stock
Left over Chicken
Egg Noodles
After you have allowed the broth and bones to simmer over night, you can now strain the bones from the juice and discard.
Add the other 1-2 boxes of chicken stock, depending on how much soup you want to make. (add water if still not desired amount)
Cut up vegetables and add them to the broth, and let them cook on low or high until tender (about 4-5 hours depending on the crock pot setting)
Add Noodles and Chicken when vegetables are done!
DO NOT ADD NOODLES UNTIL ABOUT 5 MIN BEFORE YOU EAT ( they will get soggy if they continue to cook)

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